How to Become an EMT in Alabama
EMT training in Alabama is similar to many other states. Alabama EMT training starts with going through an EMT program, passing the National Registry of EMT (NREMT) exams for certification, and getting an Alabama EMT state license. Scroll down for more detailed information about each step in the Alabama EMT training process.
Alabama EMT Training
This page will also discuss the Alabama EMS protocols for EMT scope of practice skills that emergency medical technicians of all levels are allowed to perform on the job in Alabama.
EMS Levels Recognized in Alabama
• Emergency Medical Responder
• Emergency Medical Technician
• Advanced Emergency Medical Technician
• EMT Intermediate (Alabama doesn’t issue INITIAL EMT-Intermediate
• Paramedic
EMT Schools in Alabama
EMT training in Alabama begins by finding an accredited Emergency Medical Technician training program. A good EMT program will prepare it’s graduates to quickly respond to emergency situations and provide life-saving care along with transport to the sick and injured.
The Alabama EMT training program should prepare it’s EMT graduates to complete patient care assessments and use the patient’s signs and symptoms to decide and complete correct patient care interventions.
A good Alabama EMT training program will teach students how to respond to automobile accidents, bleeding and shock, gunshot wounds, heart attacks, emergency childbirth, slip and fall accidents, along with many other emergency situations.
EMT schools in Alabama have a classroom portion along with clinical rotations that must be completed to graduate Alabama EMT training and be eligible for NREMT certification.
Scroll to the bottom of this page and you will find a list of accredited Alabama EMT programs with contact information.
EMT School Requirements: Alabama
The EMT requirements by state can vary for entry into an EMT program. For more detailed information about specific EMT program requirements see our EMT Program page.
Alabama EMT training programs have specific mandatory EMT school requirements which are briefly discussed below.
• Student must be 18 years of age to begin EMT training in Alabama.
• Student must have a High School Diploma, GED or College Degree to sign up for EMT training in Alabama.
• Students signing up for Alabama EMT training must have a valid Photo ID. – (Drivers License or Student Visa) If you don’t have a driver’s license contact the specific school to find out if they allow entry into the program without one.
• Some Alabama EMT training candidates will have to complete COMPASS, ASSET or ACT Test – Some programs may require new students to take a math and english placement test to determine knowledge level. If you do poorly on the test, you will need to take math or english class.
• Alabama EMT training students must have a CPR for the Healthcare Provider Certification – Usually needs to be through the Red Cross or American Heart Association.
Some Alabama EMT training programs offer these classes on campus at beginning of the program for around $40-$50.
• Student must submit to a Drug Test and Criminal Background Screening to be accepted for EMT training in Alabama.
• Current Health Insurance Card is needed for most Alabama EMT training students – Will need to carry health insurance during the entire EMT program.
Some Alabama EMT schools offer Health Insurance on Campus and some allow students to sign a waiver instead of carrying health insurance.
• Student must have a current Flu shot/ H1N1 within the last year to start EMT training in Alabama.
• Student must have Hepatitis B vaccinations started before beginning EMT training in Alabama – usually starting the first of three shots before the program starts is ok.
• Student beginning Alabama EMT training must have a negative TB skin test within the last year – If you are prone to false positives, bring in documentation of a clear chest X-ray.
• Student must have evidence of vaccine or titers for MMR and Chicken Pox to begin EMT training in Alabama.
• Students beginning EMT training in Alabama must have a Tetanus, Tdap, or DPT within the last 10 years.
EMT Certification Alabama
All EMT training candidates will need to complete the National Registry of EMT exams to get their Alabama EMT certification on the National level. There are two NREMT exams, the Cognitive (aka written) and Psychomotor (aka practical) exams.
For detailed information about both NREMT exams check out our Nation Registry of EMT Exam page.
Instructors will discuss the NREMT practical exam towards the end of your Alabama EMT training at a state approved and accredited EMT school. The NREMT psychomotor exam is the first of the two exams that need to be passed in order to get your National Registry EMT certification.
Psychomotor exams in the state of Alabama are always administered to the candidate through their Alabama EMT training program. Before getting tested make sure to check out 7 tips to pass the psychomotor exam.
After completing the entire Alabama EMT training program, you will need to set up a testing date for the NREMT Cognitive exam. This can be done online and there is information about the Cognitive exam and a link to the National Registry of EMT site on our NREMT exam page (Same link from above).
If you want to get an idea about whether there are any Cognitive exam testing centers near you, go here and put in your zip code, state, etc. to find a site in your area. There is also a link there for the Military Community to find on-base testing centers.
After passing the Cognitive exam, the National Registry will automatically send you a congratulation letter in the mail along with your EMT certification. (As long as you have already successfully passed the Psychomotor exam.)
Once you have your EMT certification you will probably ask:
Can I start working as an EMT in Alabama?
The answer is:
Not yet!
A candidate must get an EMT state license in Alabama before working as an EMT.
Alabama EMT State License
The Alabama EMT state license can also be called a state EMT certification. It’s different from the NREMT certification because the Alabama EMT certification is on a State level while the NREMT certification is on the National level.
To apply for an Alabama EMT license, candidates will need to go to the Alabama State Office of Emergency Medical Services.
Alabama EMT License Requirements
These requirements are for Alabama EMT, Advanced EMT, Intermediate EMT, and Paramedic licenses. The EMT, AEMT, EMT-I, and Paramedic combined are often referred to as EMSP on the Alabama EMT paperwork, which stands for Emergency Medical Services Personnel.
The initial Alabama EMT license must be submitted in paper form, not online. However, Alabama EMT license renewals can be done online.
• Every person applying for an Alabama EMT license must demonstrate U.S. citizenship. If the applicant is an alien they must prove a lawful presence in this country. – Immigration status or naturalized/derived citizenship status WILL be verified by the Alabama Department of Public Health using the SAVE Program.
Demonstration of citizenship will only be required ONE time using the Declaration of U.S. Citizenship or Lawful Presence of an Alien form.
• Complete the EMS Individual Licensure Application form.
• If this is the first application for an Alabama state license you must submit the Criminal History Release Form.
• A copy of the applicant’s National Registry of EMT Certification must be submitted.
• If this is the first application for an Alabama state license you must submit proof of knowledge of Current Alabama EMS Protocols. To find an Alabama EMS Protocols class contact one of the Alabama Regional Offices.
• Alabama EMT license fee – $12 for two-year license.
The Alabama EMT license has many paper forms and requirements, but most of them are pretty simple to comply with. The hardest part is that the Alabama EMS Office wants their forms to be filled out and typed, not hand written.
Besides that hurdle the forms are all short, but it will take a bit of organization to get all your paperwork filled out and submitted to the Alabama Office of Emergency Medical Services.
Alabama EMT License Renewal
– Alabama EMT license renewal is available online for a $2 annual fee. The Alabama Office of EMS starts accepting Renewal applications January 2nd of each year.
– Applying for Alabama EMT license renewal after April 1 of your expiration year will cause a $50 late fee to be added to the license fee.
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